All right, so, in summary, ACC-Turbo, basically, like, shows that it's possible, feasible, to use network permanently to defense against DDoS attack. It provides generic DDoS defense, and at the line rate, provides safe mitigation, also, and providing fast reaction time.
All right, so that's it about ACC-Turbo. And, yep, question?
- With the Manhattan distance, can the clusters overlap?
- Yes, so that's a good question. So, when it's overlapped, they're often for you to merge the cluster, and then you create a new one.
- Does ACC-Turbo reset and create new clusters?
- Yes, so there are multiple design choices for that. You can keep the clusters all the time, which is not advisable, also. But, of course, you can merge them. That's another option.
And another option, of course, is to, to basically, like, to shrink the cluster after some amount of time. So, let's say you have the cluster over here, you don't keep it because it will grow all the time, right? So, one option is that you shrink it to the, like, the central point, or, like, some certain gaps. But, basically, in the paper, they just say that it's possible, it's just up to the, to the operators to implement whatever that they like, but these are the options for that.
- The graph that you shows, was that with the 5-tuple?
- That's a good question. I cannot recall precisely, but I believe it's the 5-tuple.
- What happen if you launch the attack with the botnet with different IP addresses?
- I think ACC-Turbo works on one of the assumptions is that the attack traffic or the attack packets will look quite similarly.
So, what I could imagine when in case of botnet attack, and just to mention, this is a direct attack, it's not a spoofing attack. No, sorry, it can be the spoofing, but it's the direct, not the amplification.
So, when this happen, they will group, like, the IP address from different botnet into the same cluster, but you don't have one packet per bot, right? You have multiple of them. Actually, that's how they flood the network.
So, the idea is that now you have the aggregates. The packet from the one single botnet, and they will be very limited because they are now in the same cluster.
Yeah? If there are no other questions, then, yeah, I think we are good. We reached the end of the lecture.
And now, we have 15 minutes of the break also. Let's try to go back here.
Yeah, let's just say 4:15. So, keep in mind that, so, in the next one, we are in defense against the real DDoS attack. You will need a laptop for that. You will log in the VM.
One thing is that I already printed out the cheat sheet that will be super helpful when you do the exercises. So, come down here, grab one if you need it, because otherwise, you don't want to switch between the terminals and switch back to see the topologies, okay?
So, just grab this. I will hope to see you in the exercise. It will be in the exam as well. So, just so you know.